Hydrogen electrolyser service

ConPackSys is a frontrunner for compressor systems for large scale Hydrogen Electrolyser service. We have several partnerships with key players in this developing market. We are currently working on design and engineering of complete large scale Hydrogen compressor systems to compress from Electrolyser outlet up to Hydrogen backbone pressure.
Shell – Pernis hydrogen compressor

Supply of 2 cylinder – Burckhardt hydrogen compressor for Shell pernis refinery in Rotterdam Harbour.
Thai Refineries – Hydrogen centrifugal compressor

Engineering, design and supply of one centrifugal compressor system incl lube oil – and one seal oil system. The compressor is a Sulzer Turbo centrifugal barrel compressor driven by a 3.5 MW steam turbine driven used for Hydrogen recycling. Discharge pressure is 210 bar(g). Completion mid 1995.
Shell Switzerland – Cressier H2 recycle compressor

Engineering, design and supply of all auxiliary systems and materials except VSDS driver and compressor./ The compressor consists of a Centrifugal H2 recycle gas compressor (68 to 88 barg) of approx 500 kW . Completion September 1993.
SABIC – CO + H2 Compressor

Engineering, design, procurement and manufacturing of the structural, process, piping, electrical and instrument installation of one CO+H2 compressor of about 300 kW and one CO2 compressor of about 200 kW.